
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

PEI, Day 3

Today was overcast and threatening to rain, so we went with our "indoor" plan for the day. After breakfast, we drove to Charlottetown for a visit to Founder's Hall. The sky had cleared some by the time we arrived, though it still wasn't sunny, so before going inside we visited SandLand, a sand sculpture pavilion in downtown Charlottetown. The sculptures are amazing:(more pictures here). The boys participated in a sand-sculpting workshop, and then we went to Founders Hall. We had never been before (it only opened in 2001), but we were impressed. The exhibit uses multimedia to immerse visitors in the events surrounding Confederation and the subsequent history of Canada. There was plenty of history presented in a way that engaged the kids as well as Sydonyia and me. Neat place!

We especially enjoyed seeing the representation of Leonard Tilley, New Brunswick premier, Father of Confederation, Christian, and Sunday School teacher. He is the one who suggested "Dominion of Canada" as the new nation's title, after Psalm 72:8, "He shall have Dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth."

After we left Founders Hall, it was time for supper, and we headed for our favourite place, East Side Mario's. The kids had never been before; they now call it "the big tomato restaurant." Afterward, we hit McDonald's for the kids to enjoy the playplace -- and get worn out before bedtime :) We found time for a little shopping on the way home at Canadian Tire and Old Navy.

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